WINNIPEG BEACH, MANITOBA, NOVEMBER 22, 1955... This is a brief History of Winnipeg Beach from the Year 1901-1955. The following is a brief history of Winnipeg Beach since it was formed in the year 1901- 54 years ago. In the year 1901 a party of three visited Lake Winnipeg on the west shore, consisting of Sir William Whtye, president of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company; Captain William Robinson, merchant from Selkirk, Manitoba and Mr. Charles Roland of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Winnipeg. They made the trip by motor boat and finally landed on a beautiful crescent and called it Winnipeg Beach. The people of Winnipeg were overjoyed when they heard of the prospect of a railway to the lake at a summer resort and it didn't take the Railway Company long to get started with a line extending to Winnipeg Beach. The line was completed in 1902, and the same year the Railway Company built a station and dance pavilion,(which is still standing), and they engaged Mr. James Christie as their station agent. The country through which the line ran was very rugged and they had many obstacles to overcome. When they were brushing the line from a point where the elevator now stands,(The elevator was just north of Kernstead road) to the station which was where the merry-go-round now is, (east of the Main Street and Center Ave. intersection) they had to use waders as the water was from three to four feet deep. One of the first passengers brought here by train was W.J. Howes who is still with us in 1955, and who was engaged by the railway company as their landscape gardener. They also brought the late Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Duke to look after the lunch counter, and refreshments in the pavilion. In the year 1907, Mr. W. J. Howes returned to his native land (England) and married Miss Ada Bayes who is still with us in 1955. Some time later they built Wood-Royd cottage which they now occupy. The first general store built in Winnipeg Beach was in 1903 by Captain William Robinson, and his manager was Mr. John Eaton. Captain Robinson had a general store and lumber business in Selkirk, besides operating several freight boats on Lake Winnipeg. The same year the King Edward Hotel was built, (now the Beach Hotel). There were also built three small stores, snack bars, a restaurant, one livery stable ( operated by the late Helgi Sturlaugsson), as well as a rooming house run by the late Mr. Robert Stacey. Mr. Mike Ateah had the corner where the Wood Block (Corner of Main and Murray, Winnipeg Beach Plaza) now stands. He had a small store and poolroom. Jake Anton owned the property where the Thompson and Anderson store stood,(South half of the Winnipeg Beach Plaza) and he ran a confectionery and restaurant. His brother Peter Anton had a general store situated where the Safeway Company now have their store,(South corner of Main St. & Centre Ave.) previous to this, this property was owned by the late Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Duke who ran a grocery business for years before the Safeway came to Winnipeg Beach. At that time there was no boardwalk or beach attractions and the people who lived in the business section had a clear view over the lake. When the Railway Company first landed here their mission was to buy up some land, so they approached a Scotchman who had a homestead S.W.34,17,4E with a small house-his name was Donald Arquet. This farm comprised most of the present golf course and the business area, and he sold it to the Company for the fancy sum of $1000.00 cash and thought he made a good deal. On November 22, 1904, 54 years ago today, the writer W.J. Wood, arrived by train at Winnipeg Beach depot, which is situated where the merry-go-round now stands. I am not going to tell you what my age was at that time, but will say, I wasn't old enough to vote. After having had dinner at the King Edward Hotel, I met Percy Robertson, painting the Hotel. Percy is still with us in 1955. I had never seen Winnipeg Beach before that time and was surprised when I saw the large body of water roaring in the wind. My brother David had built a large warehouse and office on Central Avenue for me which I still possess. (Winnipeg Beach Lodge occupies that property now) At that time I started in to do business in flour and feed, ox harness, farm machinery and cordwood. During the first winter I sold 45 sets of farm sleighs, wagon drills, binders, harrows, fanning mills, straw cutters, etc. as well as 15 car loads of flour and feed, and took cordwood in exchange, which I shipped to Winnipeg and country points. During the winter of 1909 I bought and shipped 105 car loads of cordwood. This district at that time was settled chiefly by Icelandic and Ukrainian settlers, and there are quite a number of them still living in their original homes. The Icelandic settlers went into the fishing business as well as raising sheep and cattle, which was their means of living when they came over from Iceland in 1875. The Ukrainian settlers went in chiefly for mixed farming, gardening and cordwood. In 1904 there were no motor cars, tractors, airplanes and very few horses, and most of the people used oxen and dog teams ( oxen was the order of the day), with which they hauled their cordwood and did their farm work. It was a common sight to see 100 team of oxen hauling in loads of cordwood every day during the winter. These settlers were never idle, for when they finished their work in the summer they would go out and work in the harvest fields in the fall. They had very little money and one farmer who is still with us had walked from Winnipeg Beach to Regina to get work. During his journey all he had to eat was wheat that leaked out of a box car, which he boiled. The men wore sheepskin coats (inside out). They would bring in a cord of wood during the day, then go home and cut another load for the following morning. At this time (1903) there were two hotels, the King Edward and the Waldorf situated on Boundary Creek and Gimli Road opposite the present Tourist Park. This was a stopping place for travelers and fishermen. From this point a caboose was run weekly between Winnipeg Beach and Riverton ( which was then called Icelandic River), and delivered mail to all points north. In 1909 the Canadian Pacific Railway Company extended their line to Gimli at which point most of the fish were delivered. In the same year the store and post office owned by Capt. Wm Robinson was managed by the late W. W. Thompson and his partner the late Harry Anderson. Up until 1909 that portion of the town north of Park Street was controlled by the Gimli Municipality, while all south of Park Street was handled by St. Andrews Municipality. When the village of Winnipeg Beach was incorporated in 1910, each of these municipalities paid their portion into the village treasury making a total of $3,014.59. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an application will be made, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, to the Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba in Council, for the issue of Letters Patent incorporating the following territory, i.e.: The west half of Section Three(3), Township Eighteen (18), in Range Four(4) east of the Principal Meridian, and the portion of the west half of Section Thirty-four(34), Township Seventeen (17), in Range Four (4) east limit of Hamilton Ave (as the same is delineated in a plan of the Townsite of Winnipeg Beach) in a easterly direction until it strikes Lake Winnipeg, and westerly until it strikes the western limit of said Section Thirty-Four (34), a village corporation, under the name of The Village of Winnipeg Beach. Dated the 10th day of September, A. D. 1909 H.W.H. KNOTT on behalf of the Petitioners ************************************************************** In the year 1910, the Village of Winnipeg Beach was incorporated in which the writer was appointed by Letters Patent to be returning officer and secretary-treasurer. I resigned this position and was elected mayor by acclamation. There were also four councilors elected W. J. Howes, the late A.C. Duke, the late Helgi Sturlaugsson and the late J.O. Stacey. The following year there was another election for mayor and I ran against F.J.C. Cox of the Commercial Travelers Association. In those days there was only one polling booth ( above the Robinson store in Winnipeg Beach). Mr. Cox and his committee ran a special train here election day. At that time we only had 35 resident voters and all of whom voted for me. Mr. Cox, my opponent brought on his train 37 electors, all of whom vouched to vote for F.J.C. Cox, but when the train arrived we all went to meet it and we managed to get one of the 37 to vote for me, thus making 36 each. It was then up to the returning officer, Mr. J.D. Forster, to give the casting vote. He supported me on account of being the sitting mayor. After the voting was over, the train returned to Winnipeg on which the ladies served fowl supper for the Mayor Elect, but were disappointed when they heard Mr. Cox was defeated. The following year there was another election for mayor and my opponent was Mr. D. E. McKinnon - I was again successful. Shortly after we became incorporated, the Canadian Pacific Railway Company decided to take the station agent away from the town during the winter months as per the following letters. Winnipeg Beach, Man February 8th, 1910 The Supt. C.P.R. Winnipeg Dear Sir: I am instructed by my council to inform you of the absolute necessity for an agent at your depot at this village for the whole year. The residents can neither obtain information, cars, express matter nor telegraph service, which is a great inconvenience seeing that this yard is very busy in the winter months with the wood traffic. Trusting you will see your way clear to place an agent here at once. I am Sir Yours truly, J.D. Forster, Sec. Treas. ****************************************************** Brandon Sec. February 22/10 62158 EHB J.D. Forster Esq., Sec. Treasurer, Winnipeg Beach, Man. Dear Sir: Your favor of the 8th inst. I regret the business at Winnipeg Beach is not sufficient, during the winter months, to warrant the employment of a regular agent, but, I have arranged to keep a man there to take care of any freight and look after the station and other buildings. Yours truly A.E. Stevens ********************************************************* The council then took the question up with the Railway Commission and after dealing with it from all angles, they ordered the railway company to have an agent reinstated and to keep the station open permanently. Baldy Anderson who owned and operated the Waldorf Hotel, owned considerable land south of Boundary Creek, and sold it for $25.00 per acre. This land was later subdivided into lots (six to the acre) two of which I bought for $900.00 and sold later for $1650.00 Mike Ateah owned the corner where the Wood Block now stands and operated a confectionery and poolroom. Later this property was sold to my father in Teulon, Manitoba who had it rented until fire swept Railway Street ( now Main Street) from Robinson Store to Murray Avenue. this fire took place in 1923, and the following year the Wood Block was rebuilt as well as the Thompson and Anderson brick store. The Thompson and Anderson store was burnt again in 1952, and rebuilt in two sections in 1954. The property where John Sohan has his stucco general store (now L&K Store) was originally owned by a Scotchman ( Colin McLeod) who also had a homestead two miles north west of Winnipeg Beach. This property in 1911 was sold to Mr. J. Forster who after residing there for several years, sold it to John Sohan where he carries on a general store business, and is an agent for the International Harvester Company. Mr. & Mrs. John Lang in the early years homesteaded two miles south west of Winnipeg Beach. They sold their farm and opened up a general store business on the Gimli Road. Mrs Lang is still with us, but Jack died a few years ago. In the year 1911, the Canadian Pacific Railway Company decided to move their station and tracks, etc. from the beach front to its present site. This gave them a much longer trackage and yard, and less chance of accidents. The first year the village was incorporated in 1910, the council spent what money there was ($3014.59) in making improvements opening up street, building sidewalks, drilling wells, carrying out scavenger work, and paid for administration. That same year we purchased in car load lots fir lumber from British Columbia at $14.50 per M. f.o.b. Winnipeg Beach, to build sidewalks, culverts and bridges. The following year, in 1911, out of the current year's revenue, the council called for tenders and built the town hall complete with council chamber, secretary-treasurer's office, vault, five prison cells. This was contracted by the late S.B. Ritchie for $2900.00 The Empress Hotel was built by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company between Ash Street and the old pavilion. It was under the management of the late E. Windebank. Some years later it was destroyed by fire to the disappointment of a great many summer residents who enjoyed their Sunday evening concerts, put on by the late Mr. & Mrs. E. Windebank with the late Freida Bousfield at the piano. In the year 1905 to 1906 every Sunday evening we had big bon fires where Ritchie Park and tennis courts now are. The boys gathered the fire wood from the lots close by and dozen of young men with their girl friends gathered around in boats and canoes singing and playing mandolins. Since the year 1910, the following gentlemen have served as head of the different councils. MAYOR OF WINNIPEG BEACH FROM 1909 TO 1955 W.J. Wood 1910-12 W.R. Milton 1913-14 S.B. Ritchie 1915-20 Alex Liddle 1921-24 F. L. Kenny Jan-July 1925 A. Armstrong 1925-28 W. Hurst 1929-31 F.E. Warriner 1932-36 H. Johnson 1937-39 T. C. Knight 1940-42 W. C. Borlase 1943-45 W. Scott 1946-47 S.A. Campbell 1947-48 P.P. Irwin 1950-53 W.C. Borlase 1954-55 The old dance hall built in 1902 by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company was the centre of all social attractions for many, many years and was well patronized by summer residents as well as local residents. (Located in the old part of the park were the east-west and the north-south cinder foot path meet) The moonlight train ran every night (except Sunday) during the summer for a fee of 50 cents return from Winnipeg and everyone danced free from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. This pavilion became too small for the crowds and was turned into a hospital and shelter. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company, influenced by the late Mr. E. Windebank and others, built the present pavilion with a dancing floor space of 1400 square feet, the largest in western Canada. (Across from the Plaza corner of Main St. and Murray Ave.) The Lake Park Hotel corner of Prospect and Park Avenue, was run by Mr. Brown as a temperance house. The building was afterwards torn down and moved away. The King Edward Hotel was built in 1903 by Mr. Barnes. It was later sold to Brown and Dew who ran it for several years, then sold it to the Kelly's. They ran it for several years and it was destroyed by fire. It was rebuilt of stucco and brick and sold to Mr. Rudimski who later sold it to Shea's Brewery. It is now the only hotel in town, and headquarters for the Kiwanis Club who hold their meetings there every Wednesday. The Winnipeg Beach post office was handled for years by Capt. Wm. Robinson in his general store, and when this business was sold to Walzcuk and Russin, the post office was transferred to them. In 1944, the general store was burnt to the ground and a new stucco post office was built on the same site by John W. Russin who is now our post master. Previous to 1909, most of the fish from Lake Winnipeg was hauled over the ice during the winter by teams of horses to our town and shipped by train to points in the United States and Winnipeg. These fish were hauled from Reindeer Island, Georges Island, Hecla, and other points in the lake a distance of some two hundred miles, and it took one week to ten days to make a round trip. Every evening there were dozens of loads of fish standing on our streets ready to be unloaded the following morning at the freight sheds, which were located between the elevator and the new school where a spur track ran. At that time pickerel fish ( or yellows as they were called) sold at 2 cents per pound and the best white fish sold at 4 1/2 to 5 cents per pound. Butter sold from 15 cents to 20 cents per pound, eggs 5 cents per dozen and milk 25 quarts for a $1.00 or 5 cents a quart. As this was the end of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company tracks it was a very busy place. All the wood from Husavick, Gimli, Camp Morton and Arnes had to be hauled here a distance of some 30 miles. At one time ( about 1905-6-7) there was so much cordwood piled in Winnipeg Beach that it was as high as the town hall and on the same site. There was very little demand for cordwood and poplar cordwood was being offered at $1.75 per cord f.o.b. cars here yet there were very few orders. The Winnipeg Beach school was opened in 1903, over the Robinson store, and the first teacher was Mr. James Hume, who afterwards moved to Alberta to run a lumber business. The late John Kernested was secretary-treasurer of the school for over 38 years, and the writer was chairman for over 40 years. The first school room was built in 1907, corner Gimli Road and Robinson Avenue, with 70 pupils in attendance in 1908. Miss E. Griffs taught the Winnipeg Beach school with 70 pupils and two entrance pupils. The board of trustees at that time were W.J. Wood, Chairman; the late John Kernestead, Secretary-Treasurer and the late Robert Stacey who ran a restaurant on Central Avenue. The late E.E. Best was school inspector during the first years our school was open. The late Mr. Kernested was police magistrate and held the position for a number of years. When the first car landed in Winnipeg Beach it ran over a dog which belonged to Mr. Kernested. This dog was a public nuisance, but in spite of this Mr. Kernested was quite fleet of foot and ran down the road trying to catch the car number, but it had gone beyond his reach. Regarding businessmen on the council - a little incident occurred here in 1914, which was rather costly to the taxpayers. The council decided to dig a ditch on Spruce Avenue to run the water from Gimli Road to the lake. So they dug a ditch from the Gimli Road to Grove Street and another from Grove Street to the lake, but they could not figure out how they could get the water across Grove Street. After considerable pondering they purchased a tank pump and put a man on it who pumped the water across the street. After that John Dew, of the King Edward Hotel, borrowed the pump to get the water from his basement. The well water in Winnipeg Beach is second to none and a good supply at all times. Several people have taken buckets of it back to Winnipeg. A great number of people are not aware of how boundary Creek got its name. Back in 1887, Boundary Creek was the north limit of the Province of Manitoba, and when the Icelanders settled in Gimli, Arnes and Riverton in 1875, they set up their own government, as that territory was not in the Province of Manitoba. In 1912 the northern boundary of the Province was extended to the 60th Parallel of Latitude like the other three western provinces. At that time a public school was opened at York Factory on the Hudson Bay, and Miss E. M. Griffis, a former teacher of Winnipeg Beach was engaged as their first teacher under the Department of Education. She had to sign a three year contract. Previous to 1909 the Beach amusements were situated near the old pavilion. There was no rolling coaster ( and of course no electric power ) and the only attraction was an old merry-go-round run with a gasoline engine. Today, we have a daily train service (all year) which carries our daily mail and express, with several special trains during the summer season. We have a continuous telephone service, the telegraph service, daily mail service and daily bus service throughout the year. The parks, boulevards and trees are beautiful during the summer. What we need more than anything else is sewer and water in the homes, along with a four-lane highway and a road following the river from Winnipeg to Matlock. The first automobile to arrive in Winnipeg Beach was in 1913, and it took most of the day to make the trip from Winnipeg by way of Stoney Mountain, Stonewall, Gunton, Teulon and finally landed in Winnipeg Beach with broken springs, blow outs and an empty gas tank. The roads at that time were mere trails. The following year, 1914, the writer built the first garage, corner Stitt and Central Avenue, and operated it for 20 years, then went into the real estate business, insurance and cabins, where it wasn't necessary to work eight hours twice a day. This garage is now occupied by the Grey Goose Bus Company. (Where Winnipeg Beach Lodge is located) The Presbyterian Church ( now the United Church) was built in 1907, corner Stitt and Murray Avenue and the first minister was Rev. Andrew Kirk, followed by Rev. Rupert Weir. The church is still in a good state of repair and Sunday School at 11 a.m. every Sunday. The late Mr. J.D. Forster was Secretary Treasurer of the town from 1909 till 1952, and was a very faithful secretary. Previous to that he served in the South African war after which he farmed near Netley Siding. In 1909 the village wanted a secretary-treasurer and the writer approached Mr. Forster on the train to take over this work. He attended our council meeting the following Tuesday and decided to accept the position for the fancy sum of $65.00 per month as secretary-treasurer, health inspector, weed inspector, building inspector, pound keeper, policeman and general utility man. Mr. Forster died in 1953. Mr. E.F. Stevenson (who owned Stevenson's point) was one of the first settlers here and spent every summer here until his death in 1950. His daughter, Mrs. Percy Bull, occupies the summer home which stands on the famous place of her respected father. Mr. Robert Howes, past councilor and school trustee, is still with us and has retired at his home on Robinson Avenue. He is a brother of W.J. Howes, and served in the first world war. Rusticana Cottage on the Gimli Road was originally owned by Harry Martin. In 1911 it was purchased by the writer who afterwards had it rented to F.L. Bousfield. It was purchased later by Mrs. F.L. Bousfield. Mr. Martin was very clever with wood work and built a rustic table top of birch, oak and ash wood in a diamond design with over a thousand pieces in it. This table was later raffled in 1912. Winnipeg Beach forms a Crescent and extends from the Dominion Government pier to Stevenson's point, a distance of 1 and 1/8 miles. There are no holes in the sandy beach and a wonderful place for children to swim and play in safety. The Equatic Club house was built in 1910 on government property where it was exempt from taxation. It was built at the mouth of Bdy Creek at a cost of $10,000.00. After the war of 1914-18 it was rented to the government and used as a convalescent home for the returned men. Their first president was the late Mr. Jake Holman who owned a cottage in Beachside. Some years later the clubhouse was sold to the town of Winnipeg Beach for $1,000.00. Some repairs were made and then rented to the Equatic Club for ten years at $275.00 per year. When their term expired the building was sold for $5100.00 cash. This had always been a great centre of recreation and provided many hours of enjoyment. The Beach community was like a large, happy family Our town is 48 miles from Winnipeg and has a hard surface road by way of Selkirk, Clandeboye, Petersfield, Netley and the beaches. Today the beach is too much commercialized and as there is plenty of opposition from other resorts we will have to brush up to keep abreast of the times. Previous to 1930 our town homes and streets were lighted by coal oil and gasoline lamps. In 1930 the Manitoba Power Commission extended their lines giving the town light and power. In 1937 a two sheet-curling rink was built by public subscription and voluntary labor for $1200.00. (Located where the new school has been constructed) This was an attraction for young and old. In 1952 we required more ice and built a four-sheet rink which is a great asset to the town. In 1947 an open-air skating rink with a large waiting room was built and owned by the Winnipeg Beach School. (Next to the old skating rink) In 1948 the Winnipeg Beach Bantam B hockey team played a final game against Souris in the Souris Arena, and won the Manitoba Provincial championship. Besides other improvements that were carried out by different councils we now have a resident doctor ( Dr. Scribner), an up to date drug store with W. D. McGregor, licensed druggist on hand, a hospital, one McCabe elevator, four churches, five garages, body shop, two barber shops, three blacksmiths, one shoe maker, Government Pier and light house, 9 hole golf course, tourist park operated by Mr. Nye, two tennis courts, bowling green, several tourist cabins, and board walk attractions. Winnipeg Beach in the early days had horses and buggies, boats and canoes, but seldom did we hear of an accident, while today with motor cars and boats, one is kept in a frenzy at all times. When I think of the good times we used to have, I begin to wonder whether we are going ahead or backwards. The people then seemed to have a much better time than now with free dancing, and the pavilion wide open, no board walk, open view of the lake, then on Sunday evenings sing-songs, bon fires, and it was a common sight to see 110 boats and canoes in the water at one time as well as several sail boats, and everyone enjoying himself. The boat livery was operated by Mr. J.O. Stacey. We have what the writer considers one of the finest beaches on the North American continent, situated on the seventh largest fresh water lake in America. It is 300 miles long, and in places 60 miles wide, with a gradual sloping sandy beach second to none. Lake Winnipeg is 2000 miles larger than Lake Ontario. Winnipeg Beach today has as assessment of approximately $1,3000,000.00 with over 1500 cottages and cabins and winter homes, with no imboned indebtedness. November 17th, 1955 the McGregor Drug Store burnt to the ground which was a great loss. (Where the Palza is now) Miss. E.M. Griffis who taught our school for several years was presented at Christmas 1908 a Gold Medal with her initials on one side and Winnipeg Beach School 1908, on the other. Since that time she has received a diploma from King George V, which she has framed In the year 1915, we had no highway open to Winnipeg Beach. At that time there was a provincial election between Geo. W. Prout and Tom Montague in which Mr. Prout, whom I supported won. After the election he asked me, now Billy since the election is over what do you want? I said a direct highway by way of the range line to Winnipeg. He said, you will get It. He returned to Winnipeg hired a team of horses and democrat and he along with the Minister of Public Works, Chief Engineer, Highway Commissioner and Provincial Treasurer drove over the present #8 Highway. They returned to Winnipeg and more money was voted towards the building of this road than council could spend that fall. It is understood that the road is to be blacktopped very soon The following year the council submitted a bylaw to the people for a good road system all over the Municipality of St. Andrews. This bylaw carried and now we have very good roads throughout the Municipality. In the year 1904, the Winnipeg Beach district was settled chiefly by Icelandic and Ukrainian settlers. The following is a list of them, and a few at this time are still with us. Rosko Pawulski, Rudolf Mayers, Joe Hawryluk,Wasyl Howryshu, John Jurkouski ,Stefan Bezak, John Bosaraba, Maxim Fug , John Hawryluk,Stefan Albertson, Harry Favel, Peter Reykdal,Barny S. Johnson, J. Gudurmundson, Harry Swirski, Fred V. Gordon, Barni Hjorlfsson, Mike Ateah, Anton Boitson, John Strelaski, John McCellan, Bill Porico, John Gooley, Frank Kaminski, Fred Mrcino, Powlo Hannesak, Tom Nuchouski, Joseph Psiluk, Thomas Anoliuk, Sam Jack, Nikola Dill, Mike Hawryluk, Stefn Brezina, Daniel Dern, George Ziance, John Onofrychuke, Powlo Lutak, John Polamore, Wasyl Mularczuk, Mikola Posturnick, Domylo Polamore, Wasyl Wonazchuke, Peter Sinclair, Stefan Johnson, Louis Pemkowski,John Pemkowski, Marcin Pemkowski, Urko Subodiny, Angus Matheson, Alex Favel, A.C. Duke,Harry Anderson, Colin McLeod, George Tait, Alex Grabowski, Larus Albertson, Herman Hermanson, Nikola Grabrea, Milan Yarmchuke, Wasyl Howrysh, George Wowryko, Henry Little, John Bohonas,Stefan Hekavey, Wasyl Ostroski, Nikola Swirski, Tom Swirski, John Swirski, Stewart Thomas, Joseph Thomas, G. Gislason, Peter Reykdal, H. Sturlaugsson, Wasyl Stycke, Thomas Zuk, W.J. Howes, W.J. Hickman, Nikola Syrwonick, John Kornylo, Trigue Sigurdsson, T. H. Sviensson, John Slamp, John Lillie, A. Arnason, Mike Ciszewski, Andrew Boss, Milola Biluke, Chris Kernested, Peter Hawryluke, Visko Signatoutz, Wasyl Wonaschuke, John Symko, George McKenzie, A. Arnason, Henry Favel, Wasyl Strelaski, Mike Twerdun, John Sadlowski, Anton Ksiazyk, Mike Petrowski, Duncan Campbell, Baldy Anderson, Henry Wienko, Hugh McPherson, Wytko Sengo, Wasyl Murarzuk, Adolph Rogoski, Jake Anton, Peter Anton, John Dew, Tom Brown, Jack Marshall, Stefan Strutwa, Andrew Isfeld, Adam Karst, John Danielson, John Roga Niklla Rejewski, John Treble, Henry Boss Malcolm Boss, Anton Boitson, Mike Pawulski, Matus Senchychyn, Wowsko Bobiak, Matus Haas, John Gislason, John Ziance, Carl Squaryk, Wasyl Ostroski, Joe Kretowski, Frank Stutzki, Joe Stutzki, John Berazuke, Wasyl Boretski, Archie McLaren, Alaxa Firman, Henry Petrowski, Panko Spurzak, John Sowchuk,e Mike Skumaroski, John Pasieka, Joe Strelask, Joe Turkavitz, Barny Arnason, Mike Wowryk, Sam Hanneson, Procup Proculiuk Paul Kolodie T.B. Harwood, Alex Slym Nelson Barritt Robert Stacey, James Stacey, Nick Marcina, Joe Kostelniuk, Dmetro Derhak, John Treble, Mikola Tarka, Joe Tarka, Anton Gabroetski, Staneslo Gabroetski, Walter Guizdak, John Guizdak, Bill Dudare, Daniel Brokeman, Harry Park, John Kernested, T. B. Arason, Mike Hjorlfsson, Andy Gibson, William Gibson, Urban Sterkoski, Matus Siedlecki, Colin Mcleod, G. Gislason, John Tarka, John Hobotuke, Tad Goletski, Arthur Zeron, Matus Squaryk, Stanesko Burkoski, K. Ciszewski, R.B. Ford, Peter Krymski, H. B. Pilatzki, Mike Subodiny, Stefan Strutwa, Mike Ciszewski, Andrew Kretowski, Peter Skumaroski, John Kosoloski, Harry Gudmundsson, Mike Hjorlfsson, Mike Domeno, Gabriel Paluck, John Antifeechuk, Fred Hannesak, Sowko Hannesak, Pawlo Hannesak, Sam Jalinsky, John Dolly Mike Subodiny Courts Pertson Nikola Dill Tomko Lucas Dori Kernested Peter Tomkow Robert McKenzie David McKenzie M. Domino James Page Jack Lang J.D. Forster Nikola Mikita Wowsko Boniak John Stutzki K. Hoculuk Peter Moroz Dominco Czeniak Harry Sebinski Pat Bilon Fred Bilon George Bilon Fred Ordlowski Wasyl Piniak Lewis Kostelniuk Klym Zeleneski Matthew Pasieka Dmetro Pryslak Nykola Danyluk Dmetro Huminiski Nykola Proropenny S. Bergman John Rozonxoski Carl Squaryk Peter Marcino Joe Tarka Fred Chic William Symko Carl Stutzki Jack Subodiny Stefan Wystation John Yackabousky Pwlo Krysh Jonas Johanesson John Stefanuk Geo. Hryniuk Pawlo Zawotsky William Neditko Joe Paluck John Bartosavitz Frank Chalmers T.B. Harwood Let us make Winnipeg Beach a place worth living in. W.J. Wood C/O Wood’s CabinsWinnipeg Beach, Manitoba
Friday, September 21, 2007
Brief History of Winnipeg Beach
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